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Kishin Zen Sangha Schedule


6:20am Seated

6:30am Kentan

40min Zazen (Sitting meditation)

10min Kinhin (Walking Meditation)

30min Zazen  (Sitting meditation)

10min Service

Dharma talk lead by Doshi



DOSHI: Boddhisatva Vows

Beings are numberless, I vow to serve them.

Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to end them.

Dharma gates are boundless, I vow to enter them.

Buddha’s way is unsurpassable, I vow to become it.

1 bell and bow (kneeling)


DOSHI: 3 Refuges

I take refuge in Buddha before all beings, immersing body and mind deeply in the way Awakening true mind.


I take refuge in dharma before all beings, entering deeply the

merciful ocean of Buddha’s way.


I take refuge in sangha before all beings, bringing harmony to everyone.


1 bell and bow (kneeling)


DOSHI: Metta Sutta


This is what should be done by one who is skilled in goodness, and who knows the path of peace: Let them be able and upright, straightforward and gentle in speech, humble and not conceited, contented and easily satisfied, unburdened with duties and frugal in their ways. Peaceful and calm and wise and skillful, not proud or demanding in nature. Let them not do the slightest thing that the wise would later reprove. Wishing: in gladness and in safety, may all beings be at ease. Whatever living beings there may be; whether they are weak or strong, omitting none, the great or the mighty, medium, short or small, the seen and the unseen, those living near and far away, those born and to-be-born — May all beings be at ease! Let none deceive another, or despise any being in any state. Let none through anger or ill-will wish harm upon another. Even as a mother protects with her life her child, her only child, so with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; radiating kindness over the entire world, spreading upwards to the skies, downwards to the depths, outwards and unbounded, freed from hatred and ill-will. Whether standing or walking, seated or lying down free from drowsiness, one should sustain this recollection. This is said to be the sublime abiding. By not holding to fixed views, the pure-hearted one, having clarity of vision, Being freed from all sense desires, Is not born again into this world.


1 bell and bow (kneeling)


DOSHI: Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra



Aâ‹…vaâ‹…loâ‹…kiâ‹…teshâ‹…vaâ‹…ra Boâ‹…dhiâ‹…sattâ‹…va, when deepâ‹…ly pracâ‹…ticâ‹…ing prajâ‹…na paâ‹…raâ‹…miâ‹…ta, clearâ‹…ly saw  that all five agâ‹…greâ‹…gates are empâ‹…ty and thus reâ‹…lieved all sufâ‹…ferâ‹…ing.

Shaâ‹…riâ‹…puâ‹…tra, form does not difâ‹…fer from empâ‹…tiâ‹…ness, empâ‹…tiâ‹…ness does not difâ‹…fer from form. Form itâ‹…self is empâ‹…tiâ‹…ness, empâ‹…tiâ‹…ness itâ‹…self form.

Senâ‹…saâ‹…tions, perâ‹…cepâ‹…tions, forâ‹…maâ‹…tions, and conâ‹…sciousâ‹…ness are alâ‹…so like this. Shaâ‹…riâ‹…puâ‹…tra, all dharâ‹…mas are marked by empâ‹…tiâ‹…ness; they neiâ‹…ther aâ‹…rise nor cease, are neiâ‹…ther deâ‹…filed nor pure, neiâ‹…ther inâ‹…crease nor deâ‹…crease. Thereâ‹…fore, givâ‹…en empâ‹…tiâ‹…ness, there is no form, no senâ‹…saâ‹…tion, no perâ‹…cepâ‹…tion, no forâ‹…maâ‹…tion, no conâ‹…sciousâ‹…ness; no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no bodâ‹…y, no mind; no sight, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no obâ‹…ject of mind; no realm of sight no realm of mind conâ‹…sciousâ‹…ness. There is neiâ‹…ther igâ‹…norâ‹…ance nor exâ‹…tincâ‹…tion of igâ‹…norâ‹…ance neiâ‹…ther old age and death, nor exâ‹…tincâ‹…tion of old age and death; no sufâ‹…ferâ‹…ing, no cause, no cesâ‹…saâ‹…tion, no path; no knowâ‹…ledge and no atâ‹…tainâ‹…ment. With nothâ‹…ing to atâ‹…tain, a boâ‹…dhiâ‹…sattâ‹…va reâ‹…lies on prajâ‹…na paâ‹…raâ‹…miâ‹…ta,and thus the mind is withâ‹…out hinâ‹…drance. Withâ‹…out hinâ‹…drance, there is no fear. Far beâ‹…yond all inâ‹…vertâ‹…ed views, one reâ‹…alâ‹…izeâ‹…s nirâ‹…vaâ‹…na. All budâ‹…dhas of past, presâ‹…ent, and fuâ‹…ture reâ‹…ly on prajâ‹…na paâ‹…raâ‹…miâ‹…ta and thereâ‹…by atâ‹…tain unâ‹…surâ‹…passed, comâ‹…plete, perâ‹…fect enâ‹…lightâ‹…enâ‹…ment. Thereâ‹…fore, know the prajâ‹…na paâ‹…raâ‹…miâ‹…ta as the great miâ‹…racâ‹…uâ‹…lous manâ‹…tra, the great bright manâ‹…tra, the suâ‹…preme manâ‹…tra, the inâ‹…comâ‹…paâ‹…raâ‹…ble manâ‹…tra, which reâ‹…moves all sufâ‹…ferâ‹…ing and is true, not false. Thereâ‹…fore we proâ‹…claim the prajâ‹…na paâ‹…raâ‹…miâ‹…ta manâ‹…tra, the manâ‹…tra that says:


Ga-te Ga-te • Pa-ra -gate Para-sam-ga-te • Bod-hi Sva-ha.


May this merit extend universally to all, so that we together with all beings realize the buddha way.


Stand in gassho

All (loud and slowly):



3 Raihai (Bowing Prostrations)


Standing bow in gassho


Dharma Talk lead by Doshi




Buddism, Buddist, Appleton, WI, Zen
Buddism, Buddist, Appleton, WI, Zen


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